måndag 27 april 2015

Mimmi i Indien

Här följer det senaste brevet från Mimmi! Hon ser ut att ha det väldigt bra... I Indien! 

Mimmi here, I am still on my travels and have just spent 10 days in Hyderabad South India. It’s very hot and dry here - 35-40 deg C at the moment but this doesn’t stop my new friends enjoying their long summer holidays which started this week, they go back to school at the beginning of June when the monsoon rains begin and the temperature comes down a bit. These kids all live in the same street and love playing outside, the boys love playing cricket (the Indian national sport) but the girls prefer painting and traditional local dancing.
The food here is great but it’s very, very spicy and I have been trying to eat with the fingers of my left hand like a Hyderabadi; the local speciality is Byriani - a hot mutton and rice dish which cooks for hours and contains a dozen different spices, you eat it with cool yogurt and salad.
See you soon in a new place
Mimmi xxx


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